
Grenadier My Way Have Faith CGC, TDI, CCA
Sire: Can CH Trowsnest  English Gentry JH SH
Dam: Can CH Grenadier How Green My Valley Am. Ptd.
Whelped: 09/27/2004- 3/03/18 

I helped Faith cross the Rainbow Bridge in the early mornings of March 3, 2018, She had been doing well besides some arthritis and UTI issues. She had been eating, playing and engaging up to about 10 PM when she started vomiting and went down. Within 30 minutes we had her at the ER clinic. Performed was blood work all normal, Ultrasound should some fluid in abdomen but spleen, kidneys, liver all looked normal including lymph nodes.  X-ray no blockage but intestines had some strange matter. Diagnosed as perforated intestines. 
4 months previous she had her senior blood panel and ultrasound preformed normal blood values and ultrasound showed all normal organs sizes, shapes, and no abnormalities. 

Eye cert  Cleared & Hips Good, Elbow Normal

Faith was a very very special soul from the moment she was born. She was my everything and my heart. Faith loved everyone and everything. She would make everyone feel she only loved them. She was my Velcro, my love, my best friend. She was a true blessing to all. 

Faith 6 Weeks Old




Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents
Can. CH Trowsnest English Gentry JH SH


 Eng. CH Rayleas Caluimn (4/27/1993-2007)
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Engl SH CH Amirene King Eider of Davern (6/15/1983-)
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Deanwood Cerian of Rayleas
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Can CH Stevel Semitone
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Amberland Syk-Hi
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Steval Latest Edition
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 Can. CH Grenadier How Green My Valley Am. Ptd (12/1/1999-12/22/14)

Can CH Kyon's Hot To Trot OS (4/14/1996-2011)
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Can CH Haydene Commador
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Can CH Kyon's Born Free
Can. CH Kyon's Passion Play (4/22/1997-9/23/2011)
Can CH Dewmist Santorini Can. OS (1/14/1995-4/2005)
Can CH Kyon's Heart's A Fire

Faith at 12 Years Young
Faith at 7 years old.

Faith at 10 plus years at the match in Vernon CT on May 17, 2015 won Best Adult in Sporting group!



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